A Hand of Hope

A Hand of Hope

Every now and then Owen will whimper in his sleep. He’s not awake and it’s not a full cry. It’s like he’s having a bad dream or something. Maybe someone is taking his Elmo apple juice from the fridge or maybe he is dreaming about the only bad guy he knows so far.. the Joker. Sometimes it lasts just a second and he goes back to peaceful sleep on his own. Sometimes it lasts a few seconds longer so I go in there to comfort him. I put my hand on his back under his pj shirt and he instantly becomes quiet and calm. I’ll rub his back a few minutes. His breathing picks up and he is back to deep, peaceful sleep.

I can’t help but think of two Bible passages when I’m with my two year old son in this moment.

There is a story where Jesus walks on water. (Matthew 14:22-36) He tells his disciple, Peter, to do the same. Peter begins walking on water, but then becomes afraid of the wind and begins to sink. “Jesus immediately reached out his hand to Peter and caught him.” (v. 31)

There is another story of (the same) Peter, who is later begged for money by a man lame since birth. (Acts 3:1-10) Peter looks him straight in the eye, reaches his right hand out (so similar to the way Jesus did for him when he was in desperate need himself), and helped the man to his feet. Instantly the man’s feet and ankles become strong. The man jumped up and began walking and leaping. Something truly impossible without God.

Peter couldn’t offer the man the money he was looking for, but he offered him something so much better. He told this man, “What I do have I give you.” (v. 6)

There is something so powerful about having someone come alongside you when you are in desperate need, reach out a hand, and give what they have to help your need.

Sometimes it is something we need just for the night. Sometimes it is a life changing moment. I do it for my son. Jesus does it for us. We are to do it for others.

Sometimes it’s our fears that are so loud they overtake our mind and actions, and we need help to silence our fear. Sometimes, like Peter, we need someone to catch us when we begin sinking. Maybe we don’t have confidence in ourselves, or maybe it’s because our confidence isn’t in Christ. Maybe we have been in the same scenario our whole life and don’t even believe we can jump and leap like everyone else.

We need someone to look us straight in the eye, reach out a hand, and help us walk into impossible things.

We all need hope that comes from Christ alone. Sometimes we need help obtaining it. Sometimes we need to help others obtain it.

Our needs are great, but our God is greater. There is power and confidence in Christ. Community is key as we walk through ups and downs. A key part to these passages is grabbing hold of someone’s hand. Allow the help. Allow someone to reach their hand out to help in your need, wherever you are. And when you’re on the other side, don’t avoid those in need. Look them straight in the eye, go and “give what you do have” in the way Jesus did for Peter and the way Peter modeled after Jesus.

H O P E is what we all long to obtain. Hope is what we all need.